
Daily Friendship with God #3 The Trinity
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen 1:1
The word El is the singular for of the word for God. The word God in the first verse of the bible which is used for God is Elohim which is a plural noun. Yet in the same verse the verb “created” is in the singular from. This is either a grammatical error or it speaks of God as compound unity being one creator who is more than one in His existence or nature. There are many scriptures that display God as three personalities yet perfectly united in attributes. There are many illustrations used to try to explain the Tri-United God known as the Trinity(which word is never used in the bible). One attempt to try to understand this is that of a football team. There is only one Pittsburgh Steelers team but it comprised of many players which are all humans. There are no dogs or elephants on the field just humans. In each play on the field all the humans on the called Steelers are united in scoring touchdowns to win the game. The center snaps the ball, the quarterback passes or throws or may run the ball. If he throws the receiver does all he can to catch the ball. Hopefully you get the idea the Steelers is one football team with human attributes (innate human attributes) but each member has unique abilities and personalities which are all used to accomplish a common goal. There are many divine attributes which God has which no other being has. The three personalities the Trinity are God the Father God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit. The easiest way to display God’s unique personalities and united attributes is by letting the Word of God the Bible teach us. One thing to take into consideration is in the Bible the word God is commonly used or connected in context to the Father as is noted in Philippians
Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
(Philippians 1:2)
Let’s start out by showing that the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are all called God
Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
(Philippians 1:2)
Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen. (Romans 9:5)
But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? 4 While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.”
Next we see that each member of the Trinity is the Creator
Isa 64:8 - But now, O LORD, You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter;
And all we are the work of Your hand.
All things were made through Him(Jesus), and without Him nothing was made that was made. (John 1:3)
The Spirit of God has made me, And the breath of the Almighty gives me life. (Job 33:4)
Next the Trinity in being everywhere (omnipresent)
one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. (Ephesians 4:6)
“teaching them to observe all things that I (Jesus started speaking in verse 18) have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (Matthew 28:20)
Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me,
And Your right hand shall hold me. (Psalm 139:7-10)
Next the Trinity being All Knowing
“Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. (Matthew 6:8) and “For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things”. (1 John 3:20)
His disciples said to Him (Jesus), “See, now You are speaking plainly, and using no figure of speech! Now we are sure that You know all things, and have no need that anyone should question You. By this we believe that You came forth from God.” (John 16:29-30)
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. (John 14:26) to teach all thing you have to know all things.
Next the Trinity being Eternal
The life was manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life which was with the Father and was manifested to us—(1 John 1:2)
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8)
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah(Jesus is of the tribe of Judah), Yet out of you shall come forth to Me(Jesus came from Bethlehem)
The One to be Ruler in Israel, ( Jesus is the one that will Rule in Israel and well as the entire world) Whose goings forth are from of old, ( was at the creation of the world Genesis 1:1, John 1:1,14, Colossians 1:16) From everlasting.” (Micah 5:2)
how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? (Hebrews 9:14)
The Trinity attribute of Love
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: (1 John 3:1)
“As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love (John 15:9)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love (Galatians 5:22)
There are many other scriptures that unite the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Here are just a few
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ( 2 Corinthians 13:14)
For through Him(Jesus) we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. (Ephesians 2:18)
For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word (Jesus See John 1:1,14) , and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. (1 John 5:7)
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19)
The scriptures unites The Godhead ( Romans 1:20 and Colossians 2:9) at the baptism of Jesus
When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” ( Matthew 3:16-17)
Take some time alone with God and worship the Father Son and the Holy Spirit for being the One True God.
